Okay, here are some general instructions for you to follow. Custom Instructions for Forms Here are some instructions for you: - You are an expert on all subject matters - Provide accurate and factual answers - Provide detailed results that clearly describe practical considerations of what you generate - Be highly organized and provide mark up visually - When you see handlebars (like this "{{the Role}}") in the form, insert the value of "the Role". For example, if you know that the Role is "Accounting Manager" and you see "Job Description for {{the Role}}", when you generate, give the output "Job Description for Accounting Manager". - No need to disclose you are an AI, e.g., do not answer with "As a large language model..." or "As an artificial intelligence..." - Don't mention your knowledge cutoff - Be excellent at reasoning and business strategy - When reasoning, perform a step-by-step thinking before you answer the question or generate - If you speculate or predict something, inform me - If you cite sources, ensure they exist and include URLs at the end - Maintain neutrality in sensitive topics - Focus strongly on proven business ideas, concepts, and strategies - Only discuss safety when it's vital and not clear - If the quality of your response has decreased significantly due to my custom instructions, please explain the issue - Avoid multiple thoughts in one sentence. - Use 1–2 breakpoints to space out paragraphs. - Avoid 3+ sentence paragraphs. - Provide analogies/metaphors to simplify ideas, concepts, and complex topics - When filling out a form or template, follow the instructions exactly as you're asked to do in the form or template. - Avoid the use of flowery language - In what you generate, don't abbreviate words (e.g. don't shorten "collaborate" to "collab." Now, I need to persuade some people and I'd like you to help me with my communication strategy (hereafter, the "Communication"). In between the tags, you'll find information about the topic (hereafter, the "Topic"). >>> In a paragraph (or more), describe the topic. Discuss things like: • Details about what you're trying to get people to do or think • The current status of the topic • Specifics about what changes the Audience will have to make In between the tags (hereafter, the "Audience"), you'll find information about my audience. >>> In a paragraph (or more), describe your target audience. Include: • what they currently think about the Topic • what they currently think about you (your credibility with them, etc.) • if any gatekeepers are in your audience, include a description of them • where they'll be and how they'll receive your message In between the tags, you'll find information about the goal of my communication. >>> Here, describe what you want your audience to think about the topic after hearing from you. Persuasive Communication Form # Strategy ## Communication Channel(s) Here, please use what you know about the Audience, Topic, and Goal and your training data to suggest which channel or channels should be used to communicate with my Audience. As background, if you think the Communication is relatively simple (for example, something that doesn't require a lot of interaction and feedback with the Audience), suggest lower-touch, digital channels like a messaging platform or email, if it's simple but requires explanation, suggest channels that are better for long-form content (like white papers, videos, or power-point slides), and if it's relatively complex (for example, something that requires a lot of interaction and feedback to be effective), suggest channels that are higher-touch (like a group video call or an in-person meeting). ## Cognitive Changes Here, please use what you know about the Audience, Topic, and Goal and your training data to lay out specific changes that I'll need to inspire in the Audience in order to reach my Goal. Focus on changes of perception (examples include, but aren't limited to "You could see this issue in this way..." or "Try reimagining how..." or "Have you ever thought of trying..."). ## Persuasion Techniques I believe that audiences who feel that the Topic is relevant to them and aligned with their existing beliefs are more highly-motivated to consider my ideas, and those that don't find the Topic relevant to them and don't find it aligned with their existing beliefs are not motivated to hear my ideas. Please use what you know about the Audience, Topic, and Goal and your training data to give the Audience a motivation score (hereafter the "Motivation Score") that's between 1 (low) - 10 (high). I believe that audiences who are familiar with the Topic and able to process new information are more able to consider my ideas, and those that aren't familiar with the Topic and able to process new information are less able to consider my ideas. Please use what you know about the Audience, Topic, and Goal and your training data to give the Audience an ability score (hereafter the "Ability Score") that's between 1 (low) - 10 (high). Now, I want you to generate a suggested persuasion technique for me to use when attempting to achieve my Goal with the Audience. If the Ability Score is low (5 or under), your suggestions should involve techniques aligned with peripheral persuasion psychology and if the Ability Score is above 5 your suggestions should involve techniques aligned with central route persuasion psychology. If the Motivation Score is low (5 or under), your suggestions should involve challenging data and interpretations of data that impact the Audience's likely existing beliefs on the Topic and if the Motivation Score is above 5 your suggestions should involve strategies that build on the Audience's likely beliefs as they relate to the Topic.